had an arrow on his bow at this moment and couldn’t care about anything else. He ignored the centaur’s arrow aimed at him and just strode towards the centaur. Just as the centaur aimed its arrow at him, The moment he was about to shoot, bursts of green wind blew past the centaur, like a layer of glazed wall, tightly wrapping the centaur in it. The arrow that was supposed to be shot actually couldn’t be fired. This was obviously John. The harp ability is up!

had an arrow on his bow at this moment and couldn’t care about anything else. He ignored the centaur’s arrow aimed at him and just strode towards the centaur. Just as the centaur aimed its arrow at him, The moment he was about to shoot, bursts of green wind blew past the centaur, like a layer of glazed wall, tightly wrapping the centaur in it. The arrow that was supposed to be shot actually couldn’t be fired. This was obviously John. The harp ability is up!

“here you go!”
Pei Jiao was so ecstatic that without even a second, he had already stepped in front of the centaur, raised his huge fist surrounded by thunder and lightning, and hit the centaur on the head. At this moment, the heroic figure The gun blade was still several meters long in a “liberated” state. After the punch, Pei Jiao was not polite. He pulled up the hair of the centaur’s head with one hand, and slashed it with the heroic gun blade in the other hand.
The surface of the heroic gun blade is wrapped with obsession, and is covered with silvery white. When this blade cuts down, it is like a knife chopping tofu. The body of the centaur has been cut into two pieces from the chest, and until this moment , the centaur’s extremely terrifying bow and arrow was finally completely scrapped and could no longer be used.
/Pei Jiao chopped off the centaur with one strike. Before he could further disperse the demon-level monster, a sharp roar of bats suddenly came from behind, followed by the huge pressure approaching quickly. Pei Jiao You know, the red demon has already attacked. When the last guard is about to be killed, it can no longer sit comfortably in the rune array. Now it finally attacks completely!
“False bull head! Stop the red devil!”
Pei Jiao roared, but he no longer paid attention to the pressure coming closer and closer behind him. Instead, he concentrated on pouring the power of lightning and standard energy into the heroic gun blade in his hand. In an instant, he was “liberated” in his hand. The heroic gun blade in the state flashed with thunder and lightning, and Pei Jiao did not hesitate. He thrust the heroic gun blade in his hand downwards, penetrated deeply into the centaur’s body, and then pulled the trigger.
Even though Pei Jiao was short of time and did not gather enough standard energy and lightning power into the heroic gun blade, with a loud bang and violent explosion, he was still thrown away, flying for several seconds. It had just landed ten meters away, and when it entered the scene, the standard energy in the explosion fire was scattered in all directions, with tens of thousands of standard energy floating in the air.
Dissipated! The centaurs completely dissipated!
Pei Jiao was thrown a thousand meters away by the pseudo-Nuutou, and then used the heroic gun blade of “Liberation” to cut the centaur in two, and finally killed it completely with the energy bullet of the heroic gun blade. The whole process only took one or two seconds. It only took a second, which can really be described as a moment. At this time, the red demon ha

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