isn’t Xena great?”

isn’t Xena great?”

Pei Jiao smiled and said, “Yes, Xue Na is great. We are all very grateful to you.”
Xue Na immediately raised her lips and smiled. It seemed that Pei Jiao’s thanks made her feel very happy.
/At this time, everyone was already riding in a medium bus and heading towards the headquarters of the Western European Soul Army.
The thousands of people in the small town originally planned to move with everyone else, but they were going to fight this time, and they would also leave for China immediately afterwards, so it was naturally impossible to bring thousands of people with them to drag themselves down. Well, after negotiation, in addition to leaving behind a large number of soul weapons, that is, the weapons worn by the living officers of the incoming soul army, in addition to these weapons, the captured officers were also left behind. down.
This is also Xue Na’s credit. In the past two days, in addition to making a single aircraft, she also made the original creation of the Three-Eyed Clan, the “Contract”. The original name of this instrument was called the Contract. After the Three-Eyed Tribe evolved humans, in order to allow the strongest group of humans to fight for them, they invented a device based on the Runa script. It was not forced brainwashing or control, but based on certain rules. and agreed upon, as equal instruments to achieve the purpose.
Of course, absolute equality does not exist anywhere. Since everyone is now the stronger party, this “contract” has also been modified. Xue Na made it herself and reached a contract with the captured officers. If they want to continue to live, they must do so at the expense of protecting the members of this town, and at the same time, they must not reveal their whereabouts to anyone. Once they break the contract, these officers will act as if they have never appeared in this world. , was directly obliterated on the spot, it was a real obliteration, and it disappeared directly in the void.
“Protect the residents of the town. You must not leave these people at will. You must not harm people. You must not put them in danger for any reason. You must not reveal the whereabouts of people. Anyone who violates any of the above will be wiped out!”
At this point, with a group of officers who knew the weaknesses and strengths of ghosts, and their weapons that could restrain ghosts and ghosts, everyone could finally leave this town with peace of mind.
/And their destination is the headquarters of the Western European Soul Army!
Since Pei Jiao and others left the town, seven or eight high-altitude reconnaissance planes have flown over the minibus every hour or two. Although Pei Jiao, Gong Yeyu, and Zhang Heng were all masturbating at the beginning. , but there is no one in these planes. They are all unmanned reconnaissance planes, and they are almost continuous. You can kill them as you like, and after an hour or two, seven or eight more will come.
Therefore, the three of them also stopped. Although they were not tired, it was very troublesome. After all,

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