world, the God of the Earth said strangely.

world, the God of the Earth said strangely.

They had just discussed the black dragon Alexis’s participation in the war, and before the contact with Lord Arthur was disconnected, they received a challenge from the ‘Mother Queen’.
You must know that even if the ‘Mother Queen’ does not issue a challenge, the five gods are ready to take the initiative to issue a challenge to the Zerg, and have a battle with the Zerg god-level on this favorable battlefield in front of the space gate.
“It’s indeed strange. This is not the style of the Zerg!” The God of Knowledge nodded.
The Zerg’s fighting method is insect swarm. The endless insect swarm can greatly consume the opponent.
“Isn’t this what we need? Then let’s fight them. It’s been a long time since we joined forces!” the God of War said with a laugh.
“For tens of thousands of years, we have knocked the gods into dust and fallen into deep sleep, and then we have the great world of gods!” The God of Wealth thought of what happened back then and said in a deep voice.
“Then let’s fight!” the God of Earth shouted.
“Fight!” the God of Knowledge also shouted.
“Fight!” the God of Justice followed.
For a moment, the five gods in the illusion burst into laughter. The battle with the god-level Zerg world allowed the five gods to regain the feeling they had before.
This is extremely rare for the gods. You must know that in this world, there are very few things that can make the gods’ emotions fluctuate, let alone make the gods’ blood boil with excitement.
David, an outsider, looked at the five gods and listened to the dialogue between the gods. From the dialogue, he heard how powerful the five gods were back then.
“Arthur Luce, please invite the black dragon Alexis to come to the space gate to prepare!” the God of War said to David.
“Okay, Black Dragon Alexis will go immediately!” David nodded.
David disconnected the ‘divine contact card’ and took out a large bucket, which was the ‘immortal vitality’ he had accumulated time and time again.
Although the ‘Immortal Vitality’ can be produced continuously, the premise is that David cannot practice, but absorbs all the absorbed energy into his bones. Only then can the ‘Immortal Vitality’ be produced.
“Alexis, put this away. If the situation goes wrong, leave the battle immediately. I will also be prepared. If something unexpected happens, the ‘Blade Mantis Emperor’ clone and the ‘Titan Golden Armor Emperor’ clone will be there at any time. I’ll pick you up!” David told the black dragon Alexis.
The clones of the ‘Blade Mantis Emperor’ and the ‘Titan Golden Armor Emperor’ cannot appear in front of the Zerg, because in the knowledge of all the Zerg, the ‘Blade Mantis Emperor’ and the ‘Titan Golden Armor Emperor’ have already fallen. .
/If the ‘Blade Mantis Emperor’ and the ‘Titan Golden Armor Emperor’ appear, it will definitely make the Zerg suspect a lot of things, which is something David does not want to happen.
But if Black Dragon Alexis is really in danger of life, David will not care about the trouble. Black Dragon Alex

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