had a feeling that something had broken through.

had a feeling that something had broken through.

The explosion gradually subsided, probably because the robbers ran out of explosives, but the gunfire showed no sign of stopping.
No one knows how many bandits have broken into the town, let alone how many people there are in the town.
Every survivor only knows how to shoot at those who get close.
Those who can survive at this moment are all like Hull, each minding their own business and finding a hidden place for defense.
This is definitely a melee. At this level, few people know what to do next, whether to continue to defend or break out.
But this does not include Hull.
Because he occupied a favorable terrain from the beginning, the fortifications here can be regarded as the strongest, and during the melee, he had already released the magic thread while others were not paying attention.
The only thing Mosi needed to do was to guard the outside of the wall. Hull didn’t want to see a sparking detonator thrown in from outside the wall.
At this moment, there were corpses lying on the ground in front of them. Since there was no need to worry about their backs and there were fortifications blocking the front, people in the circle could shoot with peace of mind. The hit rate was naturally getting higher and higher. Plus, there was no fire here. But there was a blazing fire outside, and it became more and more obvious whenever someone approached.
There were a total of twelve men in Hull’s group, and there were more guns than people. At the end of the fight, as soon as there was a figure, a burst of gunfire rang out. Twelve guns were fired at the same time, but one or two shots hit.
In front of the overturned carriage, more and more corpses were piled up. At this point in the battle, all those killed must be bandits.
Unlike others, Hull is not limited to this small corner. He is always paying attention to the situation in the distant town.
There were calls for help in the wind. The direction of the sounds was from the small town. It was obvious that the town had been breached.
Although he still knows nothing about the bandits, Hull has roughly guessed what happened.
It shouldn’t be easy to sneak into the town from the outside without anyone noticing. The lookout post was blown up, most likely because there were bandits mixed in with the crowd.
If this is the case, the bandits must have been planning for a long time. Since the bandits’ target is the small town, they can’t care about it for the time being. However, this does not mean that his place is safe. As long as the bandits loot the town, they will probably turn against them.
“I’m going to go out and see what’s going on,” Hull said.
/After agreeing on a secret signal for his return, Hull quietly sneaked out along the wall. Walking close to the wall was the least likely to be attacked, because the light beside the wall was dim.
/He reached a corner along the wall that no one could see. He quickly opened the space ring, took out a piece of armor and put it on. With this thing, at least you don’t have to wor

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