d troops.

d troops.

Similar farces have already occurred. There was a member of Parliament who was beaten until his face was bruised in the parliament because he opposed sending troops.
As the host of the meeting, Duke Bergson, who slowly entered the conference room, was also under great pressure at this moment.
“Have Count Onofre of the South Coast Kingdom, Count Cyrus of the Dante Kingdom, and Count Miles of the Hessian Kingdom arrived?”
After saying that, his eyes wandered around the hall, but unfortunately there was no trace of the three of them.
“Your Excellency, Prime Minister, Count Onofre, Count Cyrus, and Count Miles have just sent people here to ask for leave. It is said that the old illness has relapsed. Now they are unconscious and unable to participate in today’s meeting.”
The guard hurriedly ran from outside and said.
A member of the House of Representatives was furious when they heard the news. Everyone organized their speeches and were waiting for the representatives from the three countries to arrive and ask them for an explanation. To their surprise, they didn’t come.
Especially this excuse for asking for leave made everyone complain. It is an insult to everyone’s intelligence that the representatives of the three countries have relapsed and fell into a coma.
For a while, there were constant curses in the hall, especially the representatives of the small countries in the Central Continent who had been betrayed.
It doesn’t matter if the war ceases, just bring everyone with us!
As long as the country can be restored, they don’t mind pretending that nothing happened. The matter was done without any notice. The Three Kingdoms had obviously given up on their little brothers.
/From a rational point of view, it is normal for the three countries in China and Mainland China to have too much time to take care of themselves and not to be able to take care of their younger brothers.
But as a party involved, it is destined to be impossible to be rational.
A group of representatives clamored to hold the Three Kingdoms responsible for secretly colluding with the alien alliance.
It’s a pity that in addition to making loud noises, these people have actually lost their right to speak, and they can’t even initiate a vote on the proposal.
The positions of several major forces in this regard are very clear, and they cannot be led by the nose by a group of small and destroyed countries.
They were not kicked out of the Human Alliance because everyone was concerned about their appearance and maintaining the legal system of the alliance.
When the Alliance Parliament is closed this time, these representatives who cannot represent anyone will no longer be members of the Human Alliance.
Seeing the noisy venue, Duke Bergson immediately got angry and said: “Quiet!
The guards maintain order. Anyone who makes a loud noise and causes trouble will be thrown out! ”
He can no longer care about so many things that are decent and dishonorable. This is a place for discussion, not a place for these people to vent their emotions.

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