had been plotted against. After moving into Dadir City, he became easily angered, not like he did in Northland, where he remained calm despite the landslide before his eyes.

had been plotted against. After moving into Dadir City, he became easily angered, not like he did in Northland, where he remained calm despite the landslide before his eyes.

The Sith Baron was not the only one to have a similar reaction. After many nobles in the North became lords, they did not control their emotions very well.
If everyone’s sanity hadn’t been affected, Faerun would have suspected that the collective was cursed.
If Hudson were here, one glance would give him the answer – postwar psychological syndrome.
The evil spirit accumulated on the battlefield has not been released.
The world has changed, and there are rules and regulations everywhere. Even the slightest transgression is not allowed, and if you are wronged, you can only swallow it in your stomach.
There is no place to vent your anger, and if you hold it in for a long time, it will naturally affect your mood. Being easily angry is just a basic manifestation.
“I know, I’ll pay attention.”
Baron Sith said coldly.
I hear similar words too much, but the effect is getting smaller and smaller. Being able to forcibly suppress the anger in his heart is because the Sith Baron is determined.
“Master, one transaction doesn’t mean anything. Even if they want to ease their relationship, it can’t be solved with one transaction.
/As a representative of the local aristocracy, Baron Hudson is also helpless now. Even if he is willing to accept these people, he has to consider the reaction of his subordinates.
According to historical experience, if foreign nobles want to integrate into the local area, it often requires two or three generations to work together, which is definitely not less sad.
It just so happens that these guys are all very ambitious and pretentious, so how can they be willing to remain humble and small?
Compared to the situation in Wright County, Wyton County actually needs more attention. After Baron Cayo moved into Luoye Town, there was no movement at all, which was very abnormal.
A few days ago, this person took the initiative to visit the Mountain Territory. Maybe the two of them had secretly reached an agreement.
The battle for voice within the local aristocracy will most likely not break out because of our existence.
However, those in Wyton County were not worried, and they all wanted to compete for the position of county guard. Even though they knew that Baron Cayo’s arrival was not good, they could not unite. ”
Butler Phelan analyzed with a wry smile.
His rich life experience told him that the more failure to take action, the greater the brewing storm.
The group of northern aristocratic children who went south had already passively become a whole. If there is a problem with the Northland nobles in Wyton County, Baron Sith will inevitably be involved.
In a sense, Wright and Wyton counties are now a whole. How one side determines the outcome will affect the outcome of the other side.
According to the original plan, Baron Sith would first control Wright County and then support his cronies to control Wyton County.

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