rs and doctors. Yes, smile.

rs and doctors. Yes, smile.

This, this paper crane is even uglier than the one I folded. This was an idea that occurred to Klein instantly.
/At this moment, he had the urge to hide his face and sigh:
Is this a tradition passed down by the Nighthawks? The handwork is relatively poor.
There is no doubt that the thousand origami cranes in front of him were the product of another package swap. After getting the accurate information from Klein, the Nighthawks did not seem to waste any time. They sneaked into Dr. Allen’s bedroom that night and used the thousand origami cranes they folded themselves. Crane switched the one in his wallet.
But what they didn’t expect was that the one in the wallet was also fake. It was folded by Klein above the gray fog, and it was quite rough.
Feeling inexplicably happy, Klein glanced at Dr. Allen who was unaware, cleared his throat and said:
“Maybe so. I suggest you go to the church again and talk to the previous bishop. We must believe that the gods we believe in are always watching me.”
As he spoke, he drew a triangle holy symbol on his chest.
After the “Nightmare” left last night, Klein went to the gray mist to divine whether it would be dangerous to return the Thousand Paper Cranes without switching them back. He got a very safe revelation, so now he can do this with great interest. suggestions, trying to prank former colleagues.
/Seeing that the paper crane that he had folded poorly was back in his hands, he wondered how they would feel. Klein solemnly relieved Dr. Allen and left. He turned to the reporter and smiled:
“Mike, actually what I would like to suggest to Allen most is to see a psychiatrist, but faith can definitely soothe his mind.”
“You’re not frank at all.” Mike laughed, “Okay, it’s time for us to set off.”
The next day, Klein accompanied the reporter from the Daily Observer into the East District and interviewed the girls who had been rescued.
In the face of the interview fee of 1 pound, no one refused, even some girls who had been tortured.
In this interview, Kapin’s sin is one focus, and the current situation of the girls is another focus. The former makes people angry, and the latter makes people heavy.
Daisy is actually relatively lucky. She can go to work immediately after returning home and earn food through her own labor. There are no more than one-third of the rescued people like her, and most of them are those who still have some savings at home. Their situation allows them, who have suffered physical and mental trauma, to temporarily stop being busy and patiently look for suitable jobs.
The other two-thirds of the rescued people had to run for their lives. With a large number of female textile workers losing their jobs, they often could only find some temporary low-paying jobs. Those whose parents, brothers and sisters had not lost their jobs were okay. , at least they can help each other and barely fill their stomachs. Those whose family conditions are not so optimistic have secretly and openly embarked on the road of street girls. It seems that

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