or’s body.

or’s body.

The figure of the Shadow Attendant appeared in the air. In order to make the most of the Shadow Attendant, he turned off the Shadow Attendant’s invisibility ability. This invisibility ability requires a small amount of the Shadow Attendant’s energy.
Although the energy consumed was very small, enough to keep Shadow Warrior invisible for a long time, David did not want this to affect Shadow Warrior’s practice of ‘Crystal Meditation’.
David once again transformed his spirit into a crystal through Shadow Warrior’s body.
/Surprisingly, this transformation was extremely smooth, so smooth that David, who had failed countless times, couldn’t believe it.
In Shadow Attendant’s body, David’s spirit slowly transformed into a rough crystal. This is actually a crystal, but it should be said to be a frosted glass block.
This crystal completely envelops the entire Soul Fortress, just like adding a shell to the Soul Fortress.
The next step is to slowly grind the surface of the crystal into a smooth plane. This work can only be done mechanically, without any tricks.
It is also David’s spirit that rubs the crystal, but these spirits are turned into a small piece of soft skin. Using this to polish a smooth plane on the surface of the crystal, one can imagine how difficult it is.
David continued to rub the soft skin transformed by the spirit on the crystal for an hour. There was almost no change in the crystal transformed by the spirit, and David felt extremely tired.
Helpless, he could only return his mind to his true body. After returning to his true body, he immediately checked the state of his soul.
What satisfied him was that outside the Soul Fortress, he saw the rough crystal.
However, he found that he could not command this rough crystal like in Shadow Warrior’s body, let alone practice the ‘crystal meditation method’. There seemed to be an invisible rule restricting it.
David was no longer disappointed. This result already made him very satisfied.
Secret skills of spiritual cultivation from the great world of gods. Secret skills that cannot be practiced without the god-given bloodline, but with the help of Shadow Attendant, they can be practiced freely.
David looked at Shadow Warrior with even more confusion. It was obvious that Shadow Warrior would never have that god-given bloodline, but Shadow Warrior could break the rule that one must have god-given bloodline to practice.
He also thought that Shadow Warrior could drive the pendant to open the Beacon and open the space ring. These should be things that only God-given blood can do, but Shadow Warrior can do them easily.
Fortunately, he has absolute authority to control Shadow Warrior, otherwise he would not dare to keep such a being by his side.
In the afternoon, David did not go to the arsenal of the government building, but fell into sleep. Before falling asleep, he told himself that he would only practice the ‘crystal meditation method’ before going to bed at night.
/March 2 was an ordinary day. David had finished his practice and had just steppe

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