king questions now to get final confirmation.

king questions now to get final confirmation.

Unspeakable pressure hit, and Flatken, who was already on the verge of mental collapse, could no longer bear it. He collapsed to the ground with a plop and shouted almost madly:
“It, it can also pollute you
“As long as Cynthia takes the powder ground from it and recites the name of the Mother Tree of Desire devoutly, that’s it. The men who have sex with her and successfully conceive children can be polluted.
“That’s it, you can become a believer in the Mother Tree of Desire and become His favored one.”
It turned out that Klein understood the whole story at once, and he no longer had any doubts about what happened tonight.
The purpose of the Celestial Sect is to use Cynthia’s “Reproduction Necklace” in the form of an ordinary item to pollute Admiral Amyrius, so that this military leader of the Loen Kingdom becomes a devout believer in the “Mother Tree of Desire”, taking care of the development of their sect, and even Provide shelter.
The key to the success of this method is that it is concealed enough and normal enough, and is not directly related to words such as force, attack, and terrifying.
“So, Cynthia, who was rejected by me three times, couldn’t get rid of the pollution power of the reproduction necklace powder in her body, and gradually exceeded the upper limit. Finally, she got connected with the Mother Tree of Desire, and a seemingly sudden mutation occurred.
Lu Er’an also roughly understood the whole thing, immediately lowered his head and said in a deep voice:
“Your Excellency, this is our mistake.
“We only monitored Miss Cynthia and the servants here, and did not extend it to their family members, relatives and friends.
“I am willing to accept any punishment for this, even if you send me to a military court.”
How would a real admiral respond? Klein once again integrated himself into the role of Emilius, experiencing the pain, helplessness, sadness and anger he had endured recently.
He kept his upright sitting posture and said with a serious expression:
“Let’s talk about this later.”
The hidden meaning of this sentence is “it depends on your next performance”.
Lu Er’an was stunned for a second, as if he didn’t believe that the punishment given by His Excellency the Admiral was so light.
/Klein half-closed his eyes and said in a low voice:
“My father, the deceased old Earl Levitt, once taught me something.
“Lurian, you, as well as those members of the guard, want to thank him for his kindness.”
Lu Er’an’s eyes flickered, he took a breath silently, no longer so calm, and said quite sincerely:
“I admire your big heart.
“You will be the only one to whom I owe allegiance, apart from principles, gods, and kings.”
The arrogance in your heart is very exaggerated. Klein didn’t really believe it and said calmly:
Lu Er’an nodded, not surprised by this.
Klein turned his attention to Flatken who was collapsed on the ground again, and asked without changing his expression:
“Who ordered you to do this?”
When he thought about it, Flatken’s answer sh

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