jumped away suddenly and continued to roll. On his original running track, silver awns appeared out of thin air and exploded, forming a “long snake” and connecting the hard and solid royal court. The ground was completely lifted up, tearing out deep cracks.

jumped away suddenly and continued to roll. On his original running track, silver awns appeared out of thin air and exploded, forming a “long snake” and connecting the hard and solid royal court. The ground was completely lifted up, tearing out deep cracks.

With a kick, “Light Killer” Milgungen took a step forward, bent his nearly five-meter-tall body, and slammed the silver-white broadsword in his hand to the ground.
The area shook violently, the stone pillars and railings broke, and they fell into the orange cloud where the bottom could not be seen. The ground between the two buildings exploded layer by layer, splashing out countless gravel.
“Demon Hunter” Colin had already jumped up in advance, was in mid-air, and crossed his swords, creating an invisible barrier to block the arrow-like gravel.
At this time, the bent-back Milgungen’s knees flicked, and his huge body flew out like a meteor, instantly closing the distance to “Demon Hunter” Colin.
In the process, the silver-white broadsword he held tightly in both hands was lifted from bottom to top.
Seeing that “Demon Hunter” Colin was unable to avoid it, suddenly a clear light shot out quickly and accurately hit Milgungen’s broad sword.
With the sound of clanging, Colin Iliad fell to the ground and rolled, in one breath, and finally approached the giant statues.
At the same time, from the corner of his eye, he saw the phantom of the silver-armored knight in front of “Shepherd” elder Lovia, who had already drawn his giant sword, and turned the morning light into a big bow, shooting out arrows of light continuously.
/“Light Killer” Mirgun’s one eye behind his visor was dyed dark red. He didn’t care about the long arrows of light and let them hit his body, making a tinkling sound.
He kept sprinting forward, waving his broad sword, causing silver light to burst out from different places in the void, chasing the giant “Demon Hunter” Colin, preventing him from having a chance to attack those giant statues.
Suddenly, an arrow with bright and clear brilliance jumped over Milgungen and silently hit the gap in the mask of one of the statues.
This comes from the evil spirit that “Shepherd” Lovia herds.
“Demon Hunter” Colin is the bait, it is the real attacker.
Whoosh, whoosh, one light arrow after another flew past, but this time they were all blocked by Milgungen.
But at this time, the “Demon Hunter” had already found a good position, aiming at the remaining giant statues and swung two straight swords covering the morning light.
The light bloomed and the “storm” covered the area.
With continuous clicking sounds, the statues collapsed and fell to the ground, while the aura of “Light Killer” Milgungen rapidly declined.
The leader of the “King Court Stalkers” immediately roared:
“Let’s die together!”
The silver-white broadsword in his hand exploded and split into countless fragments of light. They connected into a terrifying storm that swept over and enveloped everything around him.
The Shining Armor Knight Evil Spirit and “Demon Hunter” Colin inserte

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