red, slowly stepped out of the hidden elephant, shuttled through the sky inside the body, and flew upwards.

red, slowly stepped out of the hidden elephant, shuttled through the sky inside the body, and flew upwards.

red, slowly stepped out of the hidden elephant, shuttled through the sky inside the body, and flew upwards.
/The sword blade suddenly broke through the ruins. Zhou Jijun held the gentleman’s sword and flew up against the sky, slashing at the old man Tongtian.
“Are you finally willing to come out and die?”
The old man smiled coldly, his eyes fell on the Gentleman’s Sword, and he frowned slightly. A black and white vortex appeared on the tip of the gentleman’s sword, the air trembled slightly, and then a huge crack spread from under the sword.
“Shattered Void? How is it possible? How could he master this move?”
The old man was slightly frightened, but he calmed down after a moment, and disdain appeared on his face.
“Even the Shattered Void has strong and weak points. The moves that only the highest-ranking Fa Tian can do, can only be so weak when used by you, a mere human being.”
A crack in the void appeared in front of the old man, and a huge suction force came out. But the old man remained motionless like a mountain in the sea. Pressing the Gentleman’s Sword with his wrinkled hand, a mysterious and mysterious power came. Zhou Jijun’s whole body trembled, and he almost wanted to let go of the long sword in his hand. The old man stood in the crack in the void. Facing Zhou Jijun’s all-out slash, he remained motionless, as if he existed naturally in the sky and the vast earth, but it was difficult for mortals to shake him.
/“This is…”
A mysterious and mysterious aura came from the sword. An inexplicable light flashed in Zhou Jijun’s eyes, as if he had understood something, but it was as if he was far away and out of reach.
“The sky is connected to the sky, the heaven and the earth are connected, and become one with me. So, although you are respected by humans, you are still an ant.”
The old man laughed, and exerted force with his five fingers, causing the gentleman’s sword to shatter inch by inch. Zhou Jijun vomited blood and was caught by the old man in his hand. The blood was as red as a plum blossom. Snow was flying around him. In the red and white light and shadow, the old man Tongtian did not notice that the palm-sized elephant god soldier had quietly flown behind him.
“Tongtian and Renzun are really very different. Heaven, earth and humans are one, going up to heaven and down to earth… It turns out that this is Tongtian.”
Zhou Jijun coughed up blood, looked at the old man calmly, and said.
“Now, you can go die.”
A strange expression appeared on the old man’s face, and then he laughed, with an extremely sarcastic light shining in his eyes.
“Master Jun, who is famous in the Qizhou, turned out to be a crazy man with a unclear mind. There is really no one in the Qizhou…”
Before he could finish his words, his face suddenly turned extremely pale, and he opened his mouth, unable to He looked down with confidence. A sharp claw pierced his body from behind and suddenly appeared on his chest. In that strange claw that was neither human nor beast, it held a heart dripping with blood. The o

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