erience were caused by the rebel king Qianyong

erience were caused by the rebel king Qianyong

erience were caused by the rebel king Qianyong
. The young man was the grandson of Qian Yong.
Madness and anger flashed in his eyes, and a killing intent that was familiar to Yue Luosha and Samoni suddenly burst out from the wine shop, extremely violent.
“But he is already dead, and he is dead. It’s tragic because he died unjustly. ”
Qian Ningchen said, stood up, glanced at Zhou Jijun, and continued, “There is a big bonus in this martial arts competition. Luo Dichen said that she would go with whoever won the first place in the best martial arts competition in the world. Mr. Jun, why don’t you fight for it for the sake of beauty? ”
Looking at Zhou Jijun with a half-smile but not a smile, Qian Ningchen turned around and walked out of the wine shop.
“Brother Jun is in a state of confusion, so we won’t fight today. Let’s wait until the martial arts conference to compete again.” However, I think before that, we might meet again, and you should also want to see me and know something. ”
Zhou Jijun’s eyes flickered for a long time before he shouted, but the yellow shirt was gone. Did
he recognize me? Impossible. After so many years, who would still remember me. Even if they remember me How could he recognize me? He said that Qian Yong died unjustly. Is that true? Apart from Emperor Yuxian who abdicated, who else could be the one who ruined my family? After
taking a long breath, Zhou Jijun settled his questions. Deep in my heart, I glanced at the two friends with concerned faces, and a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of my mouth.
Sister, you must have recognized me, brother, and you actually did such a thing. Could it be that I didn’t take off my hat? With the false reputation of a martial arts conference, do you really want to go with others?
“I’m coming back because of Dafeng Gua. ”
/The old man’s dry and dark fingers carefully twisted the yarrow on the turtle shell and rubbed it slowly. A ray of molten light shot out from nowhere in the quiet dark room, instantly exposing the yarrow to the light. The tree was born with But the grass used for divination kept trembling and swaying in the light, trying hard to stand up straight. Just when it was about to fully unfold, it suddenly burst into bloom and turned into blue-gray powder, slowly falling in
/the secret room under the molten light. It became quieter.
The old man stared blankly at the small half of yarrow held between his fingers, his face turned blank for a moment, and the wrinkles like old tree bark trembled, as if they were about to fall off his face. ”
Mr. Donglai, how are you? ”
On the other side of the secret room, the man who almost merged with the shadow asked. His voice sounded very young, no more than thirty years old.
“The wind is blowing, you are coming back, the two phoenixes are meeting the dragon flying over the clouds. The sky above the imperial city It seemed like the weather was sunny and sunny, but there were already heavy clouds that were threatening to overwhelm the city. I could only barely figure out

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