ly different status in the mind of Crown Prince Caesar.

ly different status in the mind of Crown Prince Caesar.

Before that, he wished that Hudson would take a big fall, but that won’t happen anymore.
Common interests made Crown Prince Caesar give up his original prejudices. Even if there is still a gap, it will only be kept deep in my heart.
They all learned it from their father. Even the powerful Caesar III was often silenced by others in military meetings.
Under the inheritance system of aristocratic monopoly, the talent base itself is not large.
Those with the ability to cultivate outstanding generals are large and medium-sized nobles who control core resources. There are only a hundred and eighty in the entire Alpha Kingdom.
It is not easy to train several generals who can fight with such a small base.
It is too unrealistic to expect them to have super high emotional intelligence while being able to fight.
As for after the war, everyone returned to their respective families, and only a few remained in the army.
Most of the noble generals have returned to their fiefdoms, and may not be able to see the king for ten or eight years. It is a typical case of out of sight and out of mind.
In the Behemoth Camp, Crown Prince Alex’s expression was terrifyingly gloomy. A full Beamon Cavalry Regiment disappeared directly on the battlefield.
Such an unprecedented thing happened to him, a coach with insufficient prestige, which undoubtedly poured cold water into the frying pan.
“I just asked Royeia to take people to the bear camp to check. Why did it suddenly disappear?”
Competition within the five imperial courts is still unavoidable. There was a big explosion in the Ursine tribe’s camp, and each tribe naturally sent people to check it out.
It would be rude to send someone to investigate from the air. If someone thinks of him as a “human spy” and kills him, he won’t be able to reason with him.
/The cautious Crown Prince Alex directly dispatched a cavalry regiment. Theoretically, this kind of force is enough to deal with any emergency situation.
“Your Highness the Crown Prince, there was an encounter between us and the bear camp.
However, the traces on the battlefield were almost destroyed, and the identity of the combatants could not be directly determined.
Judging from the position where Royeia sent out the signal for help, the two almost overlapped, and it can be roughly concluded that the fighting party was the cavalry regiment led by him.
About three or four hours after the big explosion, the bear tribe also sent the remaining eagle people to investigate, and we also found several eagle corpses nearby.
According to the intelligence coming from behind the scenes, the Ursines suffered heavy losses in the attack on Bethel Fortress. One of the main legions was almost completely wiped out, and no less than 30,000 auxiliary troops were lost.
In addition, many strong men fell into the enemy’s scheme and stayed in Bethel City forever.
Preliminarily, it can be judged that it is not the bear tribe’s evil hand. The other three imperial courts have not dispatched t

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