as a little man jumping proudly.

as a little man jumping proudly.

as a little man jumping proudly.
Taking out a document bag and handing it to Zhao Song, Aunt Sun said seriously: “We are in a private kindergarten in the central villa area. We are going to purchase computers. Please take a look at it first.”
Zhao Song opened it casually, not caring about this . International schools generally purchase branded computers.
“Aunt Sun, aren’t you going to buy a branded machine?”
“Isn’t Tesla a branded machine?”
Zhao Song was stunned. Tesla is of course a branded machine, but he added the word “assembly” in his mind. But in the eyes of customers, Tesla is a branded machine. Except for the need to choose a display from another brand, it is no different from a branded machine.
/Looking at the purchase list carefully, he asked casually: “Auntie, can you know the name of the kindergarten?”
/‘Damn! “Zhao Song roared in his heart. In the next few years, it will slowly expand to the high school department and open three branches one after another. It is considered one of the top international schools in Kyoto.
Zhao Song stood up and went to the main counter to pick up a complete set of quotations. After handing it to Aunt Sun, she said: “The new Phantom Red is enough, two sets of multi-user genuine operating systems, Cisco network equipment, SONY projectors, all of which must be top-notch to meet the above parameter requirements.”
Zhao Song took out A piece of white paper, with a few numbers written on it, was handed to Aunt Sun: “The price list needs to add a five-point billing fee. This is the installation service fee and the annual maintenance fee in the future. The first year is free. ”
The prices Zhao Song filled in are not low. For this kind of educational institution with foreign investment, if you want to continue cooperation in the future, you must work hard on the stability of services and products.
If Fangcao chooses Tesla, Zhao Song must set up the technical department that has been brewing for a long time and is a bit hesitant.
Aunt Sun looked at the piece of paper with no expression on her face.
“Can I take the price list?”
“Of course, Aunt Sun, this is today’s current price. When the purchase contract is signed, it will be at the current price.”
Aunt Sun nodded, stood up, “I will give you I will take the quotation back to you for discussion. Whether it is successful or not, I will give you a letter.”
Zhao Song stood up and said, “Aunt Sun, do you know why you came to me?”
“Your Tesla has a good reputation on IT forums. “The kid at home often praises the stability of the machine you assemble.” Aunt Sun smiled and said, “The most important thing is, I like your hard-working and serious attitude.”
Zhao Song entered the society, he always stood on the sidelines. In the mouth, one side is depressed, and the other side is moving forward bravely.
In his previous life, Zhao Song was ridiculed and scolded and fell into despair. Why is there no encouragement and affirmation for the complaints that I once complained about?
Now he under

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