ng Shang. More than a dozen boys headed toward the ten o’clock direction to attack.

ng Shang. More than a dozen boys headed toward the ten o’clock direction to attack.

ng Shang. More than a dozen boys headed toward the ten o’clock direction to attack.
The purpose of Wang Shang’s more than ten younger brothers was not only to fight, but also to protect Zhang Mengdi who came out with them. She had to follow them to collect the corpses, especially the corpses of the spraying zombies. They had to collect them while they were fresh and still warm. Enter the magic cabinet, otherwise they will explode on their own after a long time of death.
Brothers Wang Shang and Wang Si, as well as Jiang Jinyuan and others stayed in the command car to monitor every move of Gong Chenglong and Yu Yang to prevent them from doing anything behind their backs. Qianzhou replaced the previous male staff member who was shot to death by Liu Gan and performed various operations. Using the same company’s operating system, Qianzhou quickly became proficient under the guidance of Gong Chenglong and Yu Yang.
/When the tide of more than a hundred zombies entered dozens of meters away, Anna activated her ‘focus’ power and shot six bone arrows in succession, hitting five fat zombies and another snow-spotted zombie respectively.
With the blessing of the ‘Concentration’ power, Anna’s arrows can be said to be perfect. Each arrow is shot into the target’s head with incomparable accuracy, and all of them are penetrated by one arrow!
Five liquid-spewing zombies and one unlucky snow-spotted zombie fell to the ground. The remaining more than a hundred snow-spotted zombies didn’t care about the casualties of their companions, and still roared and rushed towards the armored convoy.
The group of corpses without the spraying zombies now poses almost no threat to Liu Gan. Even if the number reaches more than a hundred, it will be of no use.
After the two sides met, Liu Gan slashed head-on, cutting off the head of the zombie rushing in front along with its outstretched arms, taking its life on the spot, and then jumped straight into the dense crowd with a tiger pounce. Among the corpses, the bone blades packed with fiery energy in their hands slashed wherever they touched, just like chopping melons and vegetables, and they were completely irresistible!
Back in Tranquility City, level 6 Liu Qian led Yinhe and Zhang Shengli to face the black-spotted zombies for the first time. At that time, the weapons did not have the blessing of brain energy, so they could only rely on brute force to chop them, which took several minutes. Only then can we work together to kill a black-spotted zombie.
But now with the blessing of brain energy, the bone blade machete is almost indestructible, making these snow-spotted zombies completely lose the ability to resist in front of him, and their attack on Liu Qian was even more powerful than the clone armor on him. It is impossible to break through, let alone the snow-spotted leather armor and fog armor inside.
Before the dream town was upgraded to a county seat, Liu Qian encountered these snow-spotted zombies. As long as there were more than three, he could only walk around or even run aw

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