gees had already poured into Bangkok. The entire city of Bangkok was also under martial law, but the number was not large. The police are simply not enough to deal with so many refugees and the panic-driven people in the city who riot.

gees had already poured into Bangkok. The entire city of Bangkok was also under martial law, but the number was not large. The police are simply not enough to deal with so many refugees and the panic-driven people in the city who riot.

gees had already poured into Bangkok. The entire city of Bangkok was also under martial law, but the number was not large. The police are simply not enough to deal with so many refugees and the panic-driven people in the city who riot.
The huge bee warship reminds people of the end of the world. Since the end of the world, of course, we must stock up on water and food. For a city with a population of more than 10 million, this kind of panic is very scary. Drinking water and food Competition will eventually lead to the collapse of social order.
“The whole city has gone crazy. Does it make sense for us to go in?” Xu Jingyao stood on the top of a high water tower in an abandoned chemical plant, looking in the direction of the city and asked Liu Gan beside him.
“Then we won’t go in. Let’s just rest here.” Liu Gan used his enhanced vision to look at the crowded crowds in Bangkok and seemed very satisfied. The more populous and chaotic the city is, the more likely his plan will be. The easier it is to implement.
“Boss Liu, please rest first. Su Han and I will go out to find some food and water and come back.” Xu Jingyao said to Liu Gan, and they have only lived with Liu Gan until now. These errands naturally require their younger brothers to do it. Just do it.
“Okay, pay attention to safety, go and come back quickly.” Liu Qian nodded.
Xu Jingyao and Su Han’s so-called search for food is actually going out to rob. This is just a mission world, and it is facing destruction. No matter what they do, there is no need to have too much psychological burden.
After Xu Jingyao and Su Han left, Liu Gan summoned Chen Haiwang, disguised himself as an ordinary citizen, and then sent him out.
/Chen Haiwang blended in with the refugees who were looting or fighting. The party that joined the fight specialized in biting the other’s neck or exposed body. The virus mother nest in his body was operating at full capacity, injecting the zombie virus into the bodies of these refugees.
In a short time, these refugees bitten by Chen Haiwang were transformed into zombies. The lowest-level ordinary zombies were also transformed the fastest. After turning into zombies, they immediately looked for targets to bite. At this time, Chen Haiwang Haiwang had already gone to the next place where refugees gathered to make trouble.
Chen Haiwang is like a kind of fire, lighting fires everywhere. After a large number of refugees are infected, one bites two, two bites four, and more and more refugees turn into zombies. Soon Chen Haiwang sneaks into the urban area of ??Bangkok. , develop their own offline zombies in more places in the city. When people find that something is wrong, the streets are already full of zombies biting people everywhere.
“Brother Liu! There are so many zombies! The refugees have turned into zombies!” Su Han and Xu Jingyao came back after grabbing some food and water, and then told Liu Qian the exciting news.
“I saw it.” Liu Qian nodded, his face looking very calm.
“With such a large population, there will soon be a

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