you actually asked me what my bug is. Well, I like your character! You are direct and don’t mince words.” Yu Jianxin laughed.

you actually asked me what my bug is. Well, I like your character! You are direct and don’t mince words.” Yu Jianxin laughed.

you actually asked me what my bug is. Well, I like your character! You are direct and don’t mince words.” Yu Jianxin laughed.
Liu Qian said nothing, just looked at Yu Jianxin.
“Do you know that you are stupid for asking this question? When you ask me a question, you must think that I can answer you, but if I answer you, she will definitely hear it. If she doesn’t know what my BUG plug-in is, maybe After I kill you, I will spare her life, but after I say it, I must kill her after killing you. Do you think you want to continue to ask?” Yu Jianxinrao? He looked at Liu Qian with interest, his expression full of pride. It was obvious that he didn’t take Liu Qian and Liu Ruyan seriously at all.
“In this case, if you are willing to talk, it would be okay for us to listen.” Liu Qian had an indifferent expression on his face.
/“In that case, let me tell you. My bug is that every time I level up, I will go up two levels. Do you understand me?” Yu Jianxin told Liu Qian the truth. Of course, all of this is It is based on his sufficient self-confidence.
“Oh, is that just that? Isn’t this bug too weak?” Liu Qian had a somewhat surprised expression.
“Too weak? Huh! Do you want to deliberately provoke me and make me kill you earlier?” Yu Jianxin has always been proud of his powerful bug, but Liu Qian unexpectedly said “Too weak,” This made him a little unhappy.
“Are you sure you don’t have any other bugs? If that’s the case, you’re going to die if you come here!” Liu Qian looked at Yu Jianxin with an expression of regret and pity.
“Okay! I want to see how I died! However, we have to say that if you can’t win, you are not allowed to run away. Big man, if you can’t win, you will only die. Running away would be so embarrassing!” Jianxin was obviously referring to what happened yesterday.
“I will definitely not run away today.” Liu Qian said with a faint smile.
“Then I want to give it a try!” Yu Jianxin stopped talking nonsense, unsheathed his sword and rushed towards Liu Qianji.
Liu Ruyan raised her two orange pistols, ‘Bang, bang! ‘Two shots hit Yu Jianxin’s head, draining five or six percent of his armor energy.
Yu Jianxin was wearing an epic purple-orange mixed suit, and his defense power reached about four times that of Lin Daxiong. He was shot in the head by Liu Ruyan and knocked out 5 or 6% of the armor energy with one shot. He couldn’t help but feel a little bit He was surprised, but without stopping, he stabbed Liu Qian’s vital point with a level 4 ‘Flying Immortal’ sword skill!
Liu Qian’s hands were itchy for a long time. Seeing Yu Jianxin coming at him like this, he unceremoniously launched a set of combination skills, including bone-crushing slash, volleying slash, and overlord slash. He was able to defeat Yu Jianxin by 11% or 2%. The armor energy was replenished with a four-hit double hit of ‘Star-Breaking Moon’ that reached level 4, once again draining 24.5% of the armor energy!
When Yu Jianxin was almost stunned, Liu Qian’s Angry Thunder and Storm Slash struck consecutively, all o

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