. After the wounded recover, we will consider detachment to explore Qingpu Port.” Liu Gan nodded and decided. .

. After the wounded recover, we will consider detachment to explore Qingpu Port.” Liu Gan nodded and decided. .

. After the wounded recover, we will consider detachment to explore Qingpu Port.” Liu Gan nodded and decided. .
In the next two days, the team members were very tired and wanted to settle down for a few days, and there were many wounded people in the prison. They were worried about being attacked by someone, so Liu Qian and Yinhe did not leave the prison camp for the time being. Of course, Liu Qian himself was very tired, not physically, but mentally, and wanted to rest for two days.
While resting, Liu Qian had been thinking about his next plan.
In the past two days, the women released from the cells and the team members have become familiar with each other. In the apocalypse, women want to find a strong support, while men want to have a channel to vent their energy. Although the prison There was no such thing as a blind date, and these women and the male team members all quickly fell in love with each other.
Zhang Shengli asked these team members to supervise the women one-on-one. Liu Gan looked at these women and they didn’t seem to have any conspiracy, so he didn’t interfere with them.
Men and women work together without getting tired. With the nourishment of these women, the mental condition of the team members is obviously much better than before, and the recovery of the wounded is much faster than expected. Under Li Miao’s treatment and the care of these women, several seriously injured people woke up. The wounds on the outside of their bodies had healed, and the fractures inside their bodies also showed signs of recovery.
The physical recovery ability of the team members strengthened by the Trembling World is far beyond that of ordinary people, and the recovery ability of level 5 players is greatly enhanced compared to the recovery ability of players at level 4 and below. Wang Decheng’s iron sheet injury, Han Guangming’s bullet The injuries have all healed, and the burns on Han Guangming’s body are also recovering. New skin has grown in some places. You must know that this is completely impossible in the real world.
And Xue Jian not only woke up from the coma due to severe injuries, he could even stand up and take a few steps.
On the morning of the third day, Zhang Hua urgently reported something to Liu Qian.
In the past two days, he and a rescued woman looked at each other and became boyfriend and girlfriend. The woman was a local survivor. Last night, after the two of them “communicated” completely voluntarily with their bodies for half an hour before falling asleep, The woman told Zhang Hua some news.
/She said that the gangsters in the original prison were the guards and prisoners who survived the disaster in the original prison. After the disaster, they colluded together and captured some male survivors and male players to work for them. They also captured female survivors and Female players serve as their sex slaves.
These people burned, killed, looted and committed all kinds of crimes. After plundering the girls here, they took turns humiliating them every day, making them miserable.

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