ession on his grandson’s face, the old man was afraid that he would think too much, and continued: “You don’t have to worry too much. After all, you are young now and have not taught you many things. There are not only black and white in the world, but also gray areas. Those who have committed crimes There are too many rich people, but who have you seen actually been arrested and imprisoned? The reality is not filming TV, a small problem can’t move them, I just want to tell you to be careful when doing things, and don’t leave any clues. Do you want to drink tea? I will help It will be good for you to make a cup and drink more tea when you get up in the morning.”

ession on his grandson’s face, the old man was afraid that he would think too much, and continued: “You don’t have to worry too much. After all, you are young now and have not taught you many things. There are not only black and white in the world, but also gray areas. Those who have committed crimes There are too many rich people, but who have you seen actually been arrested and imprisoned? The reality is not filming TV, a small problem can’t move them, I just want to tell you to be careful when doing things, and don’t leave any clues. Do you want to drink tea? I will help It will be good for you to make a cup and drink more tea when you get up in the morning.”

ession on his grandson’s face, the old man was afraid that he would think too much, and continued: “You don’t have to worry too much. After all, you are young now and have not taught you many things. There are not only black and white in the world, but also gray areas. Those who have committed crimes There are too many rich people, but who have you seen actually been arrested and imprisoned? The reality is not filming TV, a small problem can’t move them, I just want to tell you to be careful when doing things, and don’t leave any clues. Do you want to drink tea? I will help It will be good for you to make a cup and drink more tea when you get up in the morning.”
Regarding this conversation, Old Man Han also thought about it and felt it was necessary to talk about it, so he told his grandson that after all, he was no longer the child he was back then. He thought Han Xuan should get in touch slowly.
Han Xuan understood what the old man meant. Laurence aside, they were not familiar with each other, and Mr. Franklin, who had known each other for many years, did have a lot of uncertainty.
/As long as he is alive, he is a barrel of gunpowder that may blow up himself and the Snow Mountain Group at any time. As the chief risk officer, Franklin knows too many secrets.
/It was safest for him to “die”, but it was difficult to digest the news for a while. At this moment, he sighed and said: “Okay, I understand, I will burn this thing later. Let’s have a few cups of Pu’er.” , I will be more careful in the future and leave the specific matters to others.”
Seeing him accepting it so easily, the old man sighed inwardly that he was indeed his son. If he wants to maintain his current status, he will not be able to just be smart. , nodded and smiled: “Write down Lopez’s number later, tell him if you have anything in the future, and he will help you solve the problem.”
Han Xuan had met Lopez from the old man when he was very young. I thought he was a driver or something like that. I had speculated a few years ago, but now I am sure that he is with the old man but plays an important role. He is probably a scavenger with extremely large connections.
In a movie, he would definitely be a villain, and he would be beaten badly. However, in reality, he is not a movie, and his life is quite cool.
He is not a pure and innocent character. After so many years of business, Han Xuan is clearly aware of this. In his previous life, major news often came out, let alone the 20th century, when the order was still very chaotic. As for the methods of his old man, Han Xuan There is some speculation that the power of the means is basically proportional to the net worth.
I am sincerely happy that I have such a grandfather. If it weren’t for his existence, Han Xuan might have been swallowed up by a bunch of money-hungry Wall Street wolves in the early days of his business. People of color Starting a business from scratch is much more difficult than people think.
He nodded again and said with a smile: “I remember it. I have Mr. Lopez’s phone

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