he opponent after fighting back at close range with all his strength.

he opponent after fighting back at close range with all his strength.

She knew very well how strong David was, especially since David made the best choice to carry out a close attack when the enemy quickly caught him.
But although David clearly hit the enemy, the enemy seemed to be fine and grabbed David faster. This shows how strong the enemy is.
Even the peak-level Helena herself couldn’t do this. Helena guessed something at this moment.
Although Kaser Chaofan’s whole body was wrapped in clothes, his hands were exposed.
It was a pair of hands shining with a faint blue light, and the faint blue light also contained streaks of green light.
“Extraordinary!” Helena murmured.
Without any comparison, Helena could be sure that this was not the extraordinary being from Rock Star. She was very familiar with the six extraordinary beings from Rock Star, and they were completely different just by looking at their body shapes.
Besides, how could Rock Star’s extraordinary power take action against David?
Helena quickly entered a password on the ID bracelet with her fingers, and a special program was activated.
The four Chaofan at home in Na’an City, as well as Bucker Chaofan who was in a military camp hundreds of kilometers away, all received an urgent message at the same time. The only one who did not receive the message was Hadley Chaofan from the Na’an Chamber of Commerce. Hadley Chao is not on the Rock Star at this time.
Galen Chaofan, who was sitting in the office, saw the news, and also saw the video sent with the message and the enlarged details of the extraordinary armored hands, and he suddenly stood up from his chair.
As his feet exerted force, his whole body was wrapped in extraordinary armor, and he rushed out from the top floor of the government building.
The energy of the extraordinary armor surged, and Galen’s extraordinary body flew towards the direction of David’s villa.
/At the same time, the other three extraordinarys also wore extraordinary armor and flew towards the same location.
Even Bucker Chaofan, who was far away in the military camp, flew out of the military camp and returned to Na’an City as quickly as possible.
“Damn it, how could these extraordinary reactions be so fast!” Kaser raised his head and saw a few lights and shadows in the sky outside the car window, and couldn’t help but cursed softly.
Extraordinary people rarely fly in public, because this requires the consumption of extraordinary extraordinary power. In the absence of emergencies, few extraordinary people will waste their extraordinary power without restraint.
Extraordinary armor saves extraordinary power in flying, but the difficulty of increasing extraordinary power makes Chaofan extremely economical in the consumption of extraordinary power.
Now Na’an City’s Chaofan is for the sake of his soldiers, and they are all dispatched.
Kaser’s extraordinary gaze looked at David who was restrained by him, his eyes full of exploration.
He did not conduct any investigation before arresting a small soldier. In his opinion, no

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