arious sectors of the national economy by continuously controlling financial institutions. , can achieve today’s scale. A tree needs countless roots to survive, and high-quality enterprises are those roots. Not only can they absorb more nutrients, but even if any root is cut off, the tree can still survive and wait for the branches to grow. Even if there is no taproot, the tree can still exist unless all of them are cut down.”

arious sectors of the national economy by continuously controlling financial institutions. , can achieve today’s scale. A tree needs countless roots to survive, and high-quality enterprises are those roots. Not only can they absorb more nutrients, but even if any root is cut off, the tree can still survive and wait for the branches to grow. Even if there is no taproot, the tree can still exist unless all of them are cut down.”

arious sectors of the national economy by continuously controlling financial institutions. , can achieve today’s scale. A tree needs countless roots to survive, and high-quality enterprises are those roots. Not only can they absorb more nutrients, but even if any root is cut off, the tree can still survive and wait for the branches to grow. Even if there is no taproot, the tree can still exist unless all of them are cut down.”
Anthony’s heart beat violently several times, of course he knew what he was talking about. All consortiums in the United States now have this development model!
It is true that established companies such as Disney have their own main businesses and are still making acquisitions, but such acquisitions are fixed in the industry and the subsidiaries rely on the parent company to survive. Once the main business is frustrated, the entire enterprise will fall apart.
The boy around me obviously has a much bigger appetite. There are countless consortiums in the United States, large and small. It is not difficult to build them. Some are not as big as SOS Group, but if you want subsidiaries to support the tens of billions of SOS Group, correspondingly, subsidiaries It must also be strong enough.
/I don’t understand why he has confidence in the companies he is acquiring now. They have good prospects. At least there is no sign yet that they can grow to that point. And he is indeed developing according to the trajectory of the consortium, which is absolutely correct!
But which company in the United States doesn’t want to be a consortium?
At least SOS Group has the confidence to make an impact and has not blindly invested huge sums of money to expand in other industries.
After thinking about it, a smile appeared on his face. With the current scale and decades of steady development under the hands of this boy, it might be possible. “I understand what you mean. Now that the traditional industries have been divided up by giants, we need to find emerging companies.” Only by occupying the field can we have the opportunity to develop into a huge scale and support each other with SOS Group and other enterprises.”
“In fact, I have found it.” Han Xuan nodded and answered, waiting for the caddy to place the golf ball, took the club, and posed It was good, but it was a pity that the force was too weak, and the ball stopped after flying more than 40 meters.
Anthony was stunned for a long time. After he finished typing, he quickly asked: “What industry?”
When Han Xuan heard this, he almost threw his club away. He originally wanted to show off his superiority by going ahead, but he didn’t expect him to show off. He also looked serious, doubling his lethality, and glared at him in embarrassment. Eye.
“It is unlikely that a robot with independent thinking will be possible, but with the development of technology in the future, it can be programmed to think like a human being. Electricity! I mean, cars run on electricity, and non-renewable resources like oil will one day be used up. , the pollution hazar

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