ful thoughts hidden in his heart, “And this is enough for us and Fran to have an adventure, isn’t it.

ful thoughts hidden in his heart, “And this is enough for us and Fran to have an adventure, isn’t it.

ful thoughts hidden in his heart, “And this is enough for us and Fran to have an adventure, isn’t it.
“You’re right Novena, such benefits and chances are enough for us to take an adventure. ” “Under the bright moonlight in the sky, Aido’s face changed for a while, and he nodded heavily. He turned around and took a note and quill from the wooden cabinet beside the bed and started writing on the window sill under the moonlight. He
wrote a total of six words Page, Prince Fran stopped, folded the note, and handed it to Novena. His tone changed to a solemn command tone, “Without further delay, Baron Novena, you must try to contact Sir Johnson tomorrow.” , hand this letter to him.
Although he was only secretly escorting us on our journey under the orders of his father and was not at my disposal, I believe that this Grand Knight Commander, who has always been known for his resourcefulness, should be able to sense the precious opportunity contained in this bizarre story and take the necessary steps. action. ”
Your Majesty,” Novena stood up, clenched his fist with his right arm across his chest, solemnly performed a knight’s salute, took the note, and carefully put it in his pocket. The sins hidden in the dark night came to an end.
Time continued. Slowly passing by, as the morning sun rises and the light begins to dispel the darkness, the last day of the seven hundred and forty-nine years of the Green Leaf New Calendar finally arrives. As
/soon as dawn breaks in Heinhaiman City, the residents wearing new clothes consciously put every The streets were all cleaned up.
Employees of various businesses, hotels, taverns and even clubs began to place square tables side by side in front of the door, and brought barrels of wine and pots of incense that had been prepared long ago. Each piece of meat is bigger than the mouth of the well, and the plates filled with fruits, vegetables, dishes and soft bread are moved to the table.
This is the only work they have to do for the day, and then there is a full seven days of leisurely vacation. After the carnival, Heinhaiman talent They will clean up the messy city again and cheer up for the hard work of the new year.
At the same time, in the courtyard of the Golden Flower Stem Manor on the outskirts of the city, under the clear clouds, Yaji is standing on the stairs explaining the itinerary of the New Year celebration to the guests. , “The ‘Mask Parade’ should have started now. We take a carriage into the city, and then everyone can follow the carriage in the parade, or get off the car at any time to revel.
There is food and wine on both sides of the street, you can take it as you like, but remember not to get drunk, because the most classic part of the Hein Heiman New Year’s Carnival is the ringing of the “Poseidon’s Bell” at midnight.
One more thing, be sure to bring the invitation and don’t lose it. It is the pass to the ‘Rich Hall’ in the central square. Of course, it doesn’t matter if you stay in the carriage. ”
The last carnival in Chapter 590.
Perhaps it was Zha

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