ating in the air. In front of her, Dongfang Yun jumped onto the sword, and with a “rise” sound, it shot straight into the sky.

ating in the air. In front of her, Dongfang Yun jumped onto the sword, and with a “rise” sound, it shot straight into the sky.

Yin Kuang thought: “Maybe I can ask her about sword control skills.” Yin Kuang felt that flying with a sword should be a cool thing, and it is also very practical.
/Tang Rouyu took out a tool bag and said, “Then I will walk around and collect some toxic substances.” First, the little pink fur ball that scared Qian Qianqian was put away. Chi Lian saw it and joined in. Both of them were good at making poisons, so they could learn from each other.
Everyone frowned. Chi Liandu needed to use thousands of small snakes to find out the location of the three people, but the other party seemed to have scouted out the locations of all of them, and also set up a circle of encirclement. The other seven people are missing even more.
As for the others, they seemed to have nothing to do except stare and look around.
At this time, Guan Yunfeng suddenly pointed at Lu Xialeng and said: “Idle time is idle anyway. How about we fight first? When I see you, I always have a surging fighting spirit!” Lu Xia Leng turned his head. , said: “Not interested.” Guan Yunfeng said “Ah”, “What!? How dare you look down on me! Yaya, you are so angry with me! Take my sword first!” One is General Lu Bu’s soul, and the other is General Guan Yu’s soul. , the two peak warriors of the Three Kingdoms period, have a mysterious connection. It is no wonder that Guan Yunfeng has itchy hands. However, Lu Xia Leng obviously inherited some of Lu Bu’s arrogance, while Guan Yunfeng’s character is more like Zhang Fei.
Yin Kuang quickly went over to persuade him, and then said: “Senior Sister Guan, since you have strengthened the soul of General Guan Yu, I have something in my hand that is very suitable for you.” Warriors are warlike and also like magical weapons, so Yin Kuang used this to divert her attention. After saying that, he took out the Qinglong Yanyue Sword.
/“Is this!?” Guan Yunfeng’s eyes widened, he threw away the Daguan Dao in his hand, and fiercely grabbed the Qinglong Yanyue Dao. The Qinglong Yanyue Sword seemed to be sensing it, and it started to tremble slightly and make a “buzzing” sound.
“Haha! The Qinglong Yanyue Sword is really the Qinglong Yanyue Sword!”
Guan Yunfeng laughed loudly, jumped away, took advantage of the situation and swept the Qinglong Yanyue Sword in his hand. With a “clang” sound, a blue dragon-shaped sword energy was activated, and all the flowers and plants on the ground were cut down. Guan Yunfeng got carried away for a moment, and with a loud “holler”, she actually raised it and slashed towards the big tree that only five people could hug! After a flash of sword light, the big tree fell to the ground. With Yin Kuang’s naked eyes, he couldn’t see clearly how she drew the knife. However, seeing that Guan Yunfeng, who was getting more and more aggressive, was ready to launch a big move, Yin Kuang quickly went over to stop her and said: “Sister Guan, don’t make too much noise.”
Guan Yunfeng p

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