is no harm without comparison. We really should change our head coach, otherwise we will be wasting Kobe. and Dirk’s peak!”

is no harm without comparison. We really should change our head coach, otherwise we will be wasting Kobe. and Dirk’s peak!”

is no harm without comparison. We really should change our head coach, otherwise we will be wasting Kobe. and Dirk’s peak!”
“Why don’t we invite old Nelson back? He will be great when he comes back, and he is familiar with the team. There is no more suitable candidate than him!” “I
/made people angry at first, but now Invite people back again?”
“Hey! This tells us that we can’t act on impulse a lot of the time. No one knows what will happen in the future, and we have to keep a thin line!” ”
It’s just that the Lakers are cheap. This is going to the Western Conference. It’s the finals!”
“To be honest, I think even if we beat the Warriors, it will be difficult to beat the Lakers.” ”
I agree. I don’t know if it’s my imagination. I feel that the Lakers are still in a semi-floating state. Sun and Sha Ke has not exerted much effort.”
“It’s not an illusion, it is indeed the case. The Lakers’ veterans have come out of their state, and the Lakers are going to defend their title!” ”
The only one who can stop the Lakers is the Wizards.”
“Where are the Suns? ”
Isn’t Nash like that when he was with the Warriors?” “Isn’t Nash going to be so beaten up by Sun that his pants are all gone?”
“I don’t think so. The Suns’ overall defensive capabilities are much better than the Warriors. I think the Suns and Lakers At least 40 or 60, or even 50 or 50.”
“No need to discuss it, we will see it soon!”
While the discussion among fans on the forum was heated, another semifinal match in the Western Conference between the Suns and the Nuggets was going on. Start fighting.
The reason why fans say “we’ll see the Lakers beat the Suns soon” is because the Nuggets were beaten by the Suns.
In the future, fans often compare the 73-win Warriors with the Suns in history. In fact, they do have a lot in common.
A gorgeous and ferocious offense, and a defense that is easily overlooked by fans because of the offense.
Many people may say that the Suns are often scored 110 or even 120 points by their opponents, so how can they be so good at defense?
This is where data can deceive people.
In the future small ball era, games will often be 120 or even 130 points.
In addition to the body hair whistle, a bigger reason is that the second attack has been reduced from the original 24 seconds to 14 seconds.
The direct result of this is that there are many more offensive rounds in the game, and the scoring will naturally increase.
This is also the reason why this Suns team is often beaten by opponents by 110+ or ??even 120+.
Because the purpose of D’Antoni’s 7-second offense is to increase the number of rounds and then explode the score.
So don’t be deceived by the data. Watch more of the Suns’ games and you will find that their defensive strength is among the best in the league.
The immature Nuggets faced such a team that integrated offense and defense, and the result was predictable.
James’ performance is pretty normal. After all, it is the super insider who can really limit his performance.
However, the performance o

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