i’s idea last night. “

i’s idea last night. “

i’s idea last night. ”
As soon as Duan Lianbao finished speaking, the Buddhist leader who had the best friendship with Taoism laughed and made a mudra with his palms. A figure also appeared behind him, but it was a bald-headed, big-eared, protector god wearing a battle armor.” Taoist Master Duan, your Taoist sect has a magic weapon, and my Buddhist sect also has a secret method. I can ask Skanda’s clone to find the realm of mustard seed and sumeru.
Director Guo can rest assured that Venerable Wei Tuo is the messenger before Sakyamuni Buddha. He has traveled thousands of miles to arrive at his fingertips. With this method, there will never be any omissions. ”
/Director Duan and Director Li, if you two have such abilities, why didn’t you use them earlier? This would have saved Director Guo and everyone the hard work in the primitive jungle for so many days.” “Seeing the Taoist and Buddhist disciples show their skills, the true witchcraft without special spells to find the secret realm said secretly.
“Director Qian, if there is a ‘spirit’ in the secret realm, you can naturally find it through spells and treasures. Ordinary ruins are ordinary. The piles of rotten wood and rocks are lost in the dense forest. Except for a little on-the-spot exploration, we can’t find them all at once. “Duan Lianbao explained grandly.
“I, a Buddhist, can’t do anything. “Fang Daer, the Buddhist true disciple, also smiled and shook his head and said.
“Okay, Director Qian, our exploration team is a collective, and the achievements we achieve are achieved jointly by everyone.
Seeing that the atmosphere became strange due to the words of the leader of the True Tradition of Wu Dao, Guo Caiying frowned, “Duan Chu and Li Chu will have to worry more.”
Then she looked around and saw that all the team members had already done so. After getting ready, he raised his voice and shouted: “Okay, everyone is in their places, let’s set off.”
Chapter 587: Incredible Luck
Guo Caiying gave the order, and the exploration team restarted their journey and plunged into the dark dense forest facing the rising sun. middle.
After entering the jungle, others rode on the back of the bumpy dragon lizard and began to take a drowsy nap. However, Zhang Lisheng raised his opinion noisily, “Miss Guo, I always feel that we are just moving forward blindly, and the efficiency is too high.” Low.
Aren’t the superpowers you lead using various strange methods to find some secret place? Maybe we should wait until they make a discovery before taking action…”
While speaking, the young man’s fingers were writing on the back of Guo Caiying’s hanging hand. Said: “It seems that those Taoist priests, monks, and mullahs may really be able to help me. Thank you very much for coming up with such a good idea, senior sister.” ”
/Dr. Fu, why do you have so many opinions? I was not Have I told you? Since you have joined the Chinese official expedition team, you must abide by the disciplines of the Chinese official expedition team.
And we only have one discipline, which

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