and procrastinate, and it is normal for them to be late for a date by half an hour or an hour, but they will never be late for a bullfight, let alone absent.

and procrastinate, and it is normal for them to be late for a date by half an hour or an hour, but they will never be late for a bullfight, let alone absent.

and procrastinate, and it is normal for them to be late for a date by half an hour or an hour, but they will never be late for a bullfight, let alone absent.
When Sun Hao took Yoselin to the bullring, the bullring, which could accommodate 25,000 people, was already packed with people.
/They managed to squeeze in.
And not long after we sat down, the bullfight started.
The two leading figures, dressed in sixteenth-century costumes and riding horses, appear first.
They went straight to the stand where the president was sitting and asked him for the keys to the bullpen.
The band played the loud matador march, and each of the three matadors led a group of people to take the stage at the same time in three columns.
The silk bullfighting uniform sparkles in the sun and is very dazzling.
These preparation stages are full of medieval style.
The horn blows, the gate of the bullpen opens, the bull gallops out, and the bullfighting performance begins.
In the beginning, only the matador’s three assistants were responsible for teasing the bull and consuming its initial energy.
But when the spearmen on horseback and armor came out, stabbed the bull’s back and neck with a spear, pierced its veins and bled.
Sun Hao felt his arm being grasped tightly.
He turned around and found that Yoselin’s expression was stunned.
She probably didn’t expect the so-called bullfight to be so bloody.
After the spearmen came the flower-darters.
After he came on stage, he induced the bull to attack him, and took the opportunity to pierce the dart into the bull’s back and neck.
After a while, the bull’s back and neck were covered with flower darts, and the heads of the darts were stained with blood, like blooming roses.
At this time, Sun Hao had already seen Yoselin looking around and wanting to leave.
It’s just that the seats are tight at the venue, so it’s difficult to move, let alone move.
After the spearman has completed his mission, the matador finally comes on the stage, armed with a sword and a red cloth, and begins to perform some tricks and dodges that show his skill.
The audience’s emotions were ignited and they began to cheer and whistle vigorously.
When the performance is over, the matador bends his sword and aims it at the bull’s neck, tempting the bull to charge towards him. He then rushes forward and stabs the bull’s heart with his sword.
Sun Hao heard a cry, and Yoselin had already buried her head in her arms.
He turned around to block her view.
He was previously curious as to why Yoselin was interested in things like bullfighting. It seemed that she was probably deceived.
The bull was finally stabbed, and the audience stood up and cheered.
The matadors on the field also welcomed the enthusiasm from the audience.
The Spaniards say that only those who emerge victorious at the Las Ventas Bullring are the true matadors.
/They were now witnessing the birth of a new matador.
But at this time, Sun Hao had already left the bullring with Yoselin.
After leaving the bullring, Sun Ha

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