Because this thing has wheels underneath, its body is an upright rectangle, and it also comes with two mechanical arms.

Because this thing has wheels underneath, its body is an upright rectangle, and it also comes with two mechanical arms.

Because this thing has wheels underneath, its body is an upright rectangle, and it also comes with two mechanical arms.
When Fernandez heard what Sun Hao said, his attention immediately focused on the computer and he walked over quickly.
It might be more appropriate to say it’s a robot!
Sun Hao went up and tried it, and found that as long as he tried to shoot, the machine would move in front of him, and then extend its mechanical arm to interfere.
This is advanced!
The upgrade of badges depends on proficiency, so there is a qualitative difference between the improvement of competition and training, because training will not interfere with this version of the system.
But with the addition of this shooting training machine, the quality of training will be greatly improved, and the badge proficiency will naturally increase faster.
This extra bonus couldn’t have come at a better time!
And there was no sign beforehand, so this was a real big surprise for him!
He immediately jumped into training.
And after he started training, he found that this shooting training machine was very smart.
Not only can it simulate the defender’s interference, but the defensive intensity can also be adjusted.
Sure enough, the product produced by the system must be a high-quality product!
After a while, he could clearly feel that the effect of his training had increased.
Although, as the system says, the EBA league is a low-level league, the 81 points gained are so worth it!
After he was tired from practicing, Sun Hao got out of the system.
At this time, the excitement passed and sleepiness came over him, and he fell asleep in a second.
After falling asleep, he had another sweet dream.
A few years later, he entered the NBA and reunited with Yoselin in the United States.
Reunited after a long absence, the two people are doing what they love crazily.
It’s a pity that before the theme ended, the dream woke up.
He felt wet inside his pants, and his face suddenly turned red.
This body must be too young! Adolescent relationships!
He took a quick shower and then rushed to the hotel.
Yoselin didn’t have much luggage, so the two of them took a taxi and went directly to the airport.
In the taxi, Yoselin kept holding Sun Hao’s hand.
/The two of them didn’t talk much along the way.
When the car arrived at the airport, the two of them waited for a while before being prompted to board the plane.
Yoselin took another look to confirm that it was her own plane, and looked a little sad.
Normally all flights are delayed, why is this one so on time?
At this moment, she suddenly remembered something, hurriedly took out the paper and pen from her bag, and started writing on it quickly.
When she finished writing and handed it to Sun Hao, Sun Hao realized that it was an email address.
“Remember to send me an email, you must remember it.”
Yoselin kept looking at Sun Hao when she said this, fearing that Sun Hao would forget.
Sun Hao nodded firmly, and then carefully put the note away.
Although she was r

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